*about re*vibe

This is a journal of two dudes quest for things cool. Cool in our world at least. Whether that be interior design ideas, finds from Flea Market Friday's, graphic design, art, music, web apps/design, cool people... you know... cool stuff.

about the authors

I am a professional graphic designer / web designer. I work at an agency named Flynn Wright. I am also an avid music lover, drummer, Christ follower, family man and dreamer. I tend to use "lingo" with just about everything I say and write, it's my style, so if you ever wonder what the heck I mean by something, just ask. My goal with re*vibe is to catalog the musings of coolness that I see around me... the "WOW" things.

I am a financial analyst (math nerd) at Principal Financial Group who loves the Lord, my wife, my family and friends. I also love to run, bike and play guitar. I am an avid "Do-it yourself'er" and work under the assumption with enough paint, anything can look good. My goal for re*vibe is to document the big changes that can be made on a small budget!